sonible Blog

The sonible Blog ist a valuable source of information for all who want to extend their skills in audio production. Through video tutorials, know-how articles and interviews with pros, you'll get ideas, tipps and tricks.

When Reverb Meets Compression

Level up your mixing arsenal with these five ways to combine two processors that are usually kept quite separate.

pure:unmask is out now

There is a brand new addition to the our series of pure plug-ins available – we are introducing pure:unmask.

How to Set up a Sidechain Signal in All Major DAWs

This guide was written for users of pure:unmask. For correct usage, our compact Unmasking plug-in needs a sidechain routing to be set up – we explain how it is done.

pure:bundle User Guide

Get started with the pure:bundle and learn how to speed up your workflow using pure:EQ, pure:unmask, pure:comp, pure:verb and pure:limit.

smart:EQ 4’s reference track feature

You want to replicate a certain sound – be it warm vocals or an entire mix? smart:EQ 4 has got you covered with its reference track feature.

How Artificial Intelligence has Improved the De-esser

With smart:deess, we have taken the de-esser to new levels of capability. Here’s how artificial intelligence played a role in getting there.

"The AI-powered function of smart:limit is incredible."

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

Entdecke smart:limit

Compression Character Explained

Where does the elusive mojo, vibe and feel of a compressor stem from, and how can you choose the right tool for the job every time?

Top 3 Applications of Mid/Side Compression

Level up your production by mastering this dynamics processing technique in three important contexts.

Why Do We Even Need to De-ess?

Have you ever considered the causes of sibilance in audio engineering? As it turns out, it’s not even an artifact at all.

7 AI-Powered Music Tools to Improve your Workflow

Give your production the benefit of contemporary technology by checking out these forward-thinking software tools.

Everything That’s New in smart:EQ 4

Discover all the new features for version 4 of our flagship equalizer, and what they can do for your workflow and sonic results.

9 Use Cases for smart:EQ 4

Get the inside scoop on what’s new in smart:EQ 4, and how you can use it to achieve better, cleaner mixes more quickly.

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